March Birthstone – Aquamarine

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March is a month of growth and renewal, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate the beauty of the birthstone of the month: aquamarine. Aquamarine, a brilliant blue-green gemstone, is associated with youth, health, hope and fidelity, making it a popular choice for jewelry and gifts.

Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl, and its name comes from the Latin words for “sea water”. This gemstone was believed to protect sailors and guarantee a safe voyage, and it was also believed to calm waves and keep sailors safe from storms. The gemstone has long been associated with the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, and was believed to guard against bad luck and give courage and power to those who wore it.

Aquamarine is a popular gemstone for its beauty and affordability. The gemstone is usually a light blue-green colour, but can range from a deep blue to a pale green. It is often found with inclusions, giving it a unique, sparkling appearance. Aquamarine is a durable gemstone, which makes it a great choice for everyday jewellry and even engagement rings.

Aquamarine is found in many countries, and it is mined in Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Zambia. It is also found in the United States, in places like Colorado and California. Aquamarine is an affordable gemstone, and it is often used to create beautiful pieces of jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Aquamarine is the perfect gemstone for March. It is a symbol of renewal and hope, and it is also a reminder of the power of the sea and the courage of those who sail upon it. Whether you’re looking for a special piece of jewellry or a meaningful gift, aquamarine is a great option.

March Birthstone Aquamarine - Online Jewellery Auctions